Sunday, November 17, 2013


I'm so behind on word count it's not even funny.  I'm hopeful I can still complete the challenge though.... we shall find out!

Twenty Four
John stared at the quad in front of him.  Every couple on campus had lit up like a Christmas tree at some point that morning.  What had started out as a nice distraction, following the blonde, had turned into a nightmare.  What was he supposed to do now?  Over half the student population was shining brightly and the others were slowly starting to light up as well. 
It was like a virus.
He headed back to his room, figuring that headquarters would want to know about what was happening. 
He heard the laptop ringing before he made it through the door.  He checked the room quickly to make sure there was no one there, and popped open the laptop.
“Where have you been?” It was a man that John had never seen before.
“I was in class, Sir.”
The man grumped in return. 
“Sir?  Do you know what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, well, I mean that half the campus is lit up.  The energy is flowing from to person to person like, well, like a virus.  I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“We knew something was happening, John.  Our radar is off the charts.  The signals are confusing and hard to read, which is why we needed to speak to you.”
“Sir, I have no idea how to explain what I am seeing here.”
“You say it is like a virus?”
“Yes Sir.  A couple, it seems to be starting with the couples, a couple gets plugged in.  They start flowing massive amounts of energy through them and then all the people who are around them start showing the same traits.  Soon everyone on campus is going to be connected energetically.”
“Can you tell where it started?”
“No Sir.  Whoever is doing this is very good.  As soon as I start looking for them I lose the trail.  And now there are so many people who have the same traits, I can’t tell where it started.”
“Keep an eye on things John.  We will be in touch.”
The connection ended.  John closed his computer and went to stand at the window.  He stared out at the campus before him in wonder.  He spread his energy out, fanning out over the grounds inside the bubble to see what information he could gather. 
Everywhere he turned his attention there was nothing but light and love.  It was overwhelming.  The longer he stayed in the energy the better he felt.  He could feel the old hurts from when he was a child slipping away from him.  His body was filled with a euphoria he had only tasted before.  He dug deeper into the light energies, wondering where it would take him. 
Suddenly John felt as though he had left his body.  He felt as though he was floating above himself in the room.  He was rushing down a tunnel of light, there was beautiful music playing all around him.  He wasn’t sure what was happening but he felt amazing.  He felt light and love and joy.  He tried to look around him, but saw nothing but light.
Everything came to a stop as quickly as it started.  He was in some sort of a room with raised bleachers all around him.  He was in a circle, surrounded by beings.  Some of the beings looked like Earthlings, others held shapes that he was unfamiliar with.  There were those that looked like what he had seen in alien movies, and there were those that seemed to be straight from his imagination.  Then there were beings that seemed to be elements.  A blue green flame pulsed on one of the benches. 
He could feel all of their thoughts.  He could hear all of their feelings as they sat on the benches.  He looked around, overwhelmed by what he heard.  There was much anger, pity and sadness. 
“Why are you mad at me?  Who are you?  What have I done?”
At once the answers flooded into his head.  We are you.  We are love.  You are us.  But you are not love.  You have separated, you have allowed others who are not you to lead you.
John was still.  They were him, he was them.  But, how was that possible?
As though sensing his question, the answers pushed into his head.  We are you, we are only a part of you, you are only a part of you, but all of us together are whole.
“Ok, how did I separate from you?”
Images flooded into John’s head.  He was in a room, it was dark and underground.  He recognized the room, it was the intake room for the organization he had joined.  They had told him that he was not alone, that his gifts would be used, utilized.  That he was needed for a fight, but he had to agree to join them completely, to give up…
The memory stopped.  He didn’t know what he had given up.  It seemed to be dark, empty beyond that.
The picture in his head changed.  He was outside of himself now, looking on as he sat in the room.  He watched as the people talked to him, as he agreed to their terms.  He watched as he signed a contract and saw that the contract was not just done with pen and paper.  There was an energetic component to the contract that he had not been aware of.  He watched as he put his name to the paper, and his energy to the paper as well.  Then he watched as his head hit the desk and the people in the room whooped in joy.
A machine was wheeled into the room and he was hooked up. 
John watched as they severed part of his soul from his body.  He watched as they created a rift in his being, as they separated him from himself.
Tears poured down his face.  How could this have happened to him?  How could they do such a thing to him?
The beings that surrounded him answered.  He wasn’t aware of what he had signed.  He wasn’t aware of what he had actually done.  That he had given away his soul, his connection to the rest of himself.
“What do I do?  How do I reconnect with you?”
A face swam before his eyes.  It was a face that he had seen many times on campus but had never really thought twice about.  He was surprised to see her, she wasn’t what he thought she would be.  She was not tall, or thin, or conventionally pretty at all.  She was shorter and rounder.  Her body the opposite of what he had expected.  But her face, her face reminded him of an angel.  And her eyes.  The green eyes were piercing. 
“Is she who I have been searching for? Can she help me reconnect with you?”
The feeling they sent to him was overwhelming, so positive and light he could barely stand. 
As quickly as the vision had started it ended.  The computer on the bed was beeping at him again.  John opened his eyes to find himself on the floor staring up at the ceiling.  He pulled himself to his feet and made his way back to the computer.
Flipping open the lid again he said, “John here.”
“What happened John?”
“I don’t know.”
“John, we are in connection with your energy, your life force at all times.  You left us, we were unable to track you.”
“What?  I… I don’t know what happened.  I was here, in my room the whole time.  I was staring out the window trying to decide what I should do next.”
“So you didn’t separate from our tracking system?”
“Sir, I wouldn’t know how.”
“Fine.  Well, keep an eye on yourself.  I think we may send back up to assist you.”
“If you feel that is necessary Sir, I will not argue.”
“Fine.”  The call ended.
John shut the lid and stared out the window again, this time from the comfort of his bed.  They had known that he was somewhere else.  They had known that he was disconnected from them.  If he went to the girl, he would be unable to return to the life he was currently leading.  He would have to separate himself from what he was.
Standing, he walked to the window again.  He looked at the students who milled happily about the campus.  He noticed how they were all connected, how they had connected to each other and to something else.  Probably to the something else he had been disconnected from.  Maybe it was time for him to see what the other side was like. 
Turning, John strode from the room.

Twenty Five
Larissa sat on a bench in the middle of the quad and admired her work.  She loved the way all of the people who passed her smiled and seemed to shine.  She was basking in the glow, in the flow she had created.  It was really wonderful.
Closing her eyes, she lifted her face towards the sky.  The sun shone down on her face, basking her in physical warmth.  While her connection to the people around her basked her in energetic warmth.  It was wonderful to not have to hide completely.  How would anyone know that she started all of this?  There were literally hundreds of students shining like beacons of light.  And it was spreading quickly.  Before Larissa could even think to connect new people who came into her sights they would do it themselves.  It was lovely to see.
Smiling, she opened her eyes.  What she saw coming towards her shocked her a bit.  Keith strode her.  But he was not alone.  Next to him was a goddess.  At least what Larissa pictured a goddess to look like. 
The woman was tall and thin.  But not so thin that she did not have the curves that every woman dreams of.  Her hips and breasts were perfectly balanced.  The clothes that she wore were not extravagant, they were simple and fit her body like a glove.  Her skin was warm dark chocolate and her hair.  Larissa envied her thick tresses most of all.
They approached Larissa quickly, Keith with an ear to ear grin and the woman looking at her carefully.  Larissa took a deep breath, expecting the worst and waited for them to get to her.
“Larissa!  You have been so busy!” Keith said to her when he was close. “Look at all these people, they are so connected and energized.”
Larissa didn’t answer him, just nodded her head in affirmation that she had been busy.  She wasn’t sure how to respond to the two in front of her. 
“Larissa, I want you to meet someone really important.  This is Tiana with the Planetary Lightworker Organization.”
“Hi Larissa, I have been looking forward to meeting you for a very long time.” Tiana put out her hand.
Tentatively, Larissa took the woman’s hand.  There was nothing when she shook it.  No energetic charge at all.  Larissa looked, confused into the woman’s eyes, and saw nothing there as well.
“Where are you?”
The woman laughed.  “I am hidden.”
“It was something that I learned when I was a small child, a way to protect myself.  I have perfected it so that I cannot be seen unless I want to be.”
“Is it something you can teach me?”
“Of course.  You will need to learn quickly so that we can take you out of here and to safety.”
“You are here to collect me?”
“No.  Not really.  I am here to request that you join forces with us.”
“Oh.”  For a moment  Larissa was sure that the women was part of the organization that wanted to separate her from herself.  Without the energetic footprint to tell her otherwise, Larissa wasn’t sure she could trust the woman.  She wanted it, it was obvious that Keith did.  Something in her told her to hold back.
“We shall not take you out until you are ready.  I would not want to pressure you to do anything you are not ready to do.  You can obviously take care of yourself.  But we need you as well.  We need your help in setting Earth free from those who want to control it.”
“So you know about that.”
“Yes.  We are aware.  We are powerless to really stop it.  We do not have what you have, we do not have the ability to set people free from the contracts.”
“And I have that ability?”
“Look around you, Larissa.  Look at all the people shining brightly around you.  You did this.  You assisted all of the people in breaking their karmic contracts and setting themselves free.  Without you they would be as dreary as they have always been.”
Larissa looked around herself again.  The people were so happy.  Being near them, she noticed that Keith had started to shine brighter himself.  She looked into his face, curious.
As if reading her mind, Keith sat down beside her and took her hand.  He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them gently.
“Have you been alright since class?  I left for a meeting, but I was hoping you would be ok.”
“I have been doing what we agreed I would do.”
“I missed you.  I know that sounds hokey, but I missed being near you while I was gone.  I can’t wait for you to be out of this trouble, this bubble, and be able to go to the meetings with me.  To meet the people who have come to meet you.”
“There are more people?”
“Oh yes.  Tiana is the only one who can get past the bubble without setting off the alarms.  Everyone else is probably setting off all kinds of alarms by just being in town, let alone coming to campus to meet you.  But we didn’t want to risk you completely by bringing more than Tiana.  Plus Tiana has the whole cloaking thing.”
Larissa felt her heart sway to the rhythm of Keith’s voice.  Her hand felt warm in his and her fingers still felt the tingle from where he kissed them.  She looked in his eyes and saw only his love for her.  Making up her mind quickly she turned to Tiana.
“What do we do next?”

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