Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Extra Long!

I missed posting yesterday.  I did get some writing done, but not nearly enough to meet the daily goal.  Made up for it this morning.   Looks like things are getting a little more interesting, which is good because I was afraid I was going to get bored! 

The days flew by, Larissa kept up with her regular school work, but only barely.  Keith introduced her to so many new concepts and information that her head was swimming.  She tried to keep everything straight, biology, math, chemistry, chakras, history, reiki, metaphysical practices, literature, it all swam together in her brain in a mish mash.
Larissa stood on the bluff next to her campus and stared out into nothing.  The day was warm, the sun beat down on her head, but it was still cool enough to need a jacket.  She sat down and brought her knees to her chest, curling her arms around them.  What was she going to do with everything she now knew?  Keith had told her to play with the information, to have fun with what she was learning and her new talents.  She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but she thought she might give it a try.  So in her least favorite class she had given it a go.
She had let her mind wonder, she had let her focus change and the classroom took on a different hue.  She could see all the students, but she could see more of them.  The colors that came off of them differed so greatly, she was surprised.  People she thought would be totally engaged with the class were only halfway present in their energy.  She could tell others that were struggling as they pushed their energy out, towards the professor, as if asking for a connection, asking for something to help them along.
Then she looked at the professor.  It made sense, suddenly, why she disliked the class so much.  The professor wasn’t there.  His energy was like a black hole at the front of the class room.  He wasn’t connecting with anyone, he wasn’t giving anything out but information.  Knowing what she now knew, Larissa realized that the ones that knew what they were doing in the class must have learned it all somewhere else.
So what could she do?
She could see the lack of energy, she could see the other students attempting to grasp at the teacher, connect with him and really learn something.  So how could she intervene and help?
Larissa studied the professor. 
Keith had taught her about grounding and centering.  About getting energy from the Earth’s core and the Universe.  She looked at the professor to see where he was getting his energy, where he was connected, and she realized he wasn’t.  There was no connection to the Earth or the Universe.  He had cords, but everyone had cords. 
Larissa reached out with her mind, with her imagination, and pictured the professor with roots.  She saw him as a tree, his body the trunk and large energetic roots coming out of his feet and plunging into the ground.  She pictured these roots going all the way to the Earth’s core, just as Keith had taught her.   Then she saw energy coming up from the core, through the roots and filling the professor’s body with beautiful white light energy.  She shot the energy all through his body until it came out of the top of his head.  It burst from his head all the way into the clouds and past the planet, into the solar system.  So far that Larissa lost track of it.  Then it pulled in the universe’s energy and Larissa saw that coming down into his body.  The energies met in the middle and Larissa saw them crash together in a harmony of color and shoot across the room.  It was so beautiful that Larissa blinked.
When she blinked the room came back into focus and she lost the colors, she lost the auras of everyone around her. 
The room seemed to have noticed something as well, because it had gone silent.  The professor stood, stock still, at the board.  He had stopped midsentence.  As suddenly as everything had stopped, it started again.  The professor caught his thought and started speaking again.  This time it was different though, this time he faced the students and seemed to engage them.  He looked different as well.
Larissa let her gaze lose focus and saw that everything had changed.  The students that had been reaching out with their energy had a connection with the professor.  The students who had been disengaged were suddenly present, as though they actually had something to learn again.  She blinked and brought her focus back to the material. 
She was stunned by the results.  She had grounded and centered the professor and he suddenly became a better teacher.  How was that even possible?  All she did was think about it.  She visualized him connected and then he was. 
Now she sat on the edge of the bluff and thought about the implications of what she had done.  What might be possible for her to do.
Could she stop people from fighting?  Could she make people agree with each other?  What about love?  Could she cause people to fall in love with each other when they did not before? 
What were the boundaries with this gift? 
They had not talked about that yet.  Instinctively, Larissa knew that she had been okay doing what she had done in class.  That grounding the professor was helpful to everyone.  But were there cases where it was not right?  There were so many questions. 
She knew he was close before he said anything.  She waited for him to tell her he was there before acknowledging him. 
“Am I intruding?” Keith asked.
“Only a little.” Larissa responded.  She looked up and smiled at him, letting him know that it was okay.  She wasn’t mad.
“I came to look for you.  You weren’t in your room and your roommate said you’d left a couple of hours ago.”
“I had to think.  Keith, I did something and I’m not sure what…well I’m not sure if it was the right thing.  I’m not sure if it was my place or if I should ever do it again.”
“Did it feel wrong?”
“No. It felt exactly right.  Like what everyone who was involved needed to have happen.”
“Then it was ok.”
“But…how do I know it was ok?”
“When you are guided to do something, you do it.  It will feel like second nature, like there was nothing else you could do but what you did.”
“Ok.  Tell me what happened.”
Larissa told him about the professor and grounding him.
“Hmmm… how did you feel when you were doing it?” Keith asked.
“Like it was the best thing I could do for everyone involved.”
“Then it was the best thing.”
Larissa stopped talking and stared out the scene in front of her.  She understood what Keith was telling her, but there was a large part of her that wondered if she would do something wrong.  Would she end up hurting someone if she did something she thought was right but really wasn’t right?
“Larissa, you aren’t a bad person.  Not deep down inside.  You aren’t going to look at someone and attempt to bring evil, dark thoughts and energy into their world.  You are going to look at someone and think ‘that person could use some light’ and give it to them.  It’s up to them to receive it, you are only making the offering.”
“So even if I send them something, they still have the choice?”
“Of course.  Humans are all about free will.  They can choose whether they want to accept what you are offering or they can push it away.  You can only offer.”
Larissa let out a large breath.  All of her concerns about hurting someone fell away.  What she did with the professor was ok because he accepted it.  She had offered to ground him and he let her.  That made sense and made her feel a lot better.
“Come on, I’m starving, let’s go get some food!” Keith stood and pulled her to her feet.  She glanced once more across the skyline, admiring the clouds and the trees, the mountains and the valley below.  Then she turned with Keith and walked back towards main campus.

“Another one has awoken General.”
“Another one?  Where?”
“Looks like a collage campus in Colorado.  A girl this time.”
“What does she look like?  What are we dealing with?”
“She’s a clairvoyant.  She’s moving quickly in development, we’re thinking someone must have picked her up and is training her.”
“Is she being obvious?”
“There have only been a few blips on the radar, so not too obvious.  But yesterday, yesterday we got a huge anomaly.  She did some major work on someone.”
“One of her own?”
“We’re not sure, Sir.  We’ve sent someone to the campus to infiltrate and see what she’s up to.  We’ll know in a few hours, when they arrive and spot her.”
“Good.  Keep me informed.  We’ve got to get this tamped down.”
“Yes Sir.”

Larissa walked across campus after lunch, thinking about her biology class and a lab she had to perform later that afternoon.  She had a lot of work ahead of her, and she had spent a significant amount of time learning about her new gifts instead of doing homework. 
Better buckle down, she thought.  The work needed to get done if she was going to keep her grades up.  Her grades were imperative right now, she had to keep her grades up to keep her scholarship, to move forward with the life her parents and teachers wanted her to build. 
Thinking about her parents, Larissa longed a bit for home.  She missed her mother, the hugs and chats at the kitchen table.  She missed someone asking how her day was going.  But she had to pull back from that, those thoughts would lead her down a dangerous spiral of depression.  She didn’t have time for that either. 
Larissa shook her head and kept walking.  It was time for study.  She needed to put away this new talent for a bit and concentrate on her school work.  Deciding where her focus should be felt really well.  She had been lost for a few weeks, even wavering away from her major because of the History class that she loved so much.  The new found gifts had taken her completely by surprise and she had delved so deeply into those that she had lost track of her regular life.  She needed the stability of her regular school work, though.  She hoped that Keith would understand. 
Larissa headed back to her room to study.  Keeping her eyes focused on the present, the three dimensional world that she had always been used to, she didn’t allow herself to see the energies of the people she passed.  She kept her energy close as well, not wanting to draw attention to herself.  At least with all the information she had devoured she had learned a few tricks that would help her get through the next few weeks of school.  She was already looking forward to the holiday break.

Keith watched as Larissa walked across campus, pulling her energy tightly to herself.  He knew instantly what she was doing and he sighed.  He figured it would happen.  Discovering gifts, especially of her magnitude, was always a little frightening for people.  He would not push her.  In fact, she had chosen the right time to pull back. 
Keith turned his attention to the newcomer on campus.  He watched as the young man scanned the quad, searching.  He wasn’t sure how much they knew about Larissa.  She had obviously hit their radar and they were concerned enough to send someone to scope out the situation.  Larissa had to be pretty bright for them to send someone specifically for her.  They had never sent anyone to look for him, or the few others that were on campus. 
He knew that they watched the city centers very closely.  He knew that many practitioners were underground, constantly changing locations and the way they practiced so they wouldn’t get picked up and shut down by…who ever these people were.  Keith wasn’t sure what to call them and the theories ranged from government thugs to aliens.  He had heard stories about what happened to especially bright people, people who could influence energies like no others.  Somehow these people were able to shut the talent down, or shut the talents off.  He was not clear on how that happened. 
He remembered his first teacher, though.  A great man, an amazing talent.  The man’s house had awed Keith when he was a small boy.  He would sneak into the house, and Roger had always known when he was there.  He would greet Keith and walk him around the rooms, showing him different tools, books, crystals.  He would talk to Keith about what different things were used for and how they worked.  At Keith had grown older, Roger had started training him on energy work.  Showing him specifically how to do things.  He lent Keith hundreds of books on different modalities, encouraging him to learn as much about everything as he could. 
One day Keith had gone to Roger’s house, but Roger wasn’t there.  By that time Keith had his own key, and he walked into the house and immediately felt the change.  He walked past the front room, not seeing anything different. The energy shifted hard in the back rooms.  All the tools and things were still there, the books, but it felt as though a dark sticky energy had covered everything in the rooms.  Keith hadn’t wanted to touch anything, hadn’t wanted to borrow the book he had come for.  He didn’t want to stay in the house alone.  For the first time he was scared for Roger and himself.  He wasn’t even sure what he was scared of.
When Roger did come back, a couple of days later, he was a changed man.  Keith went to see him and it was though a light had gone out in Roger.  He looked sadly at Keith and told him that things had to change, that he wasn’t able to live the way he had used to.  Keith helped Roger pack up all of his books, tools and crystals into boxes.  Keith carried a backpack into the house every day, and every day he left with a bag filled with items that hadn’t been tampered with.  Books that still held the original energy, crystals that still held their power.  He wasn’t able to really help Roger.   Roger seemed to be gone, the new man was one who was constantly afraid.  He would look out the window, staring far into the distance. 
Then there were the men, sometimes in dark cars, sometimes on foot, that penetrated the neighborhood.  They took no notice of Keith, at least they seemed not to.  They kept a close eye on Roger.  Keith watched as they followed Roger’s car from the neighborhood, following at a short distance, not bothering to try and hide from view.  He didn’t ask Roger about the men, and when he tried to talk to his parents about it, they looked at him as though he was crazy.  They didn’t see the men.  His parents didn’t see the cars. 
Keith wondered what else there was in the world that people didn’t see.
That was when he learned to keep his mouth shut and his eyes open.  He learned what the energies of those people felt like, he learned the effect that they would have if they found you. 
The new man on campus was one of them.  He had the same energy that Keith had run into years before.  Keith had a good idea what this man was looking for.  He was looking for Larissa. 
Keith would make sure that Larissa wasn’t found.  It was time to alert the others.

Larissa sat with her study group in the library, quietly discussing the latest physics homework when she felt something strange.  She didn’t look up right away, instead she pulled her energy close to herself.  She realized that she had pushed her energies out in the group, helping everyone work together more fully.  She pulled herself in, hesitating in mid-sentence, and glanced up and around the group. 
“Personally I think the answer is B.” Shannon said.  The girl sat across from Larissa. 
“Yeah, I think you are right.” Said John, another student. 
“B it is, shall we head to the next question then?” Said Steve. 
They started discussing the next set of problems and Larissa let her attention float around the room.  Her eyes came to rest on a man she had never seen on campus before.  The campus was small, only a few thousand students, so it was fairly easy to spot a newbie.  They stuck out.  Larissa didn’t focus on the man, but let her eyes drift past him.  She focused back on the conversation they were having at the table, and wondered what she had felt.
Later, back in her room, she thought about what had happened.  The man had walked into the library, he was searching for someone.  Larissa had felt him looking for someone, reaching out with his energy, searching.  Whatever he had been looking for had led him to the library.  She had known, instinctively, that she needed to pull in.  To not allow him to see her energy at work in the group.  Why had she known that?  Why had she done what she had?  What was really going on?
She felt herself reaching out, looking for answers, and she felt like she hit something and immediately pulled back.
He was searching for her.  He was looking for her energy. 
She shook her head.  That didn’t make any sense.  Why would he be looking for her?  She was just a college student who happened to see people’s auras.  And could help them change the way she felt.  Could she do more?  Was there more to her ability that she and Keith hadn’t discovered yet and that was why they were after her?
Maybe she was making it all up.  There couldn’t possibly be a reason for anyone to come looking for her.
Still, she had felt something.  She felt the need to keep her energies close, to not explore as she had been doing for the past couple of weeks.  And something about that man really bothered her.  She would keep an eye out, she would be careful, and she would ask Keith what he knew. 
Larissa turned back to her school work, determined to stay focused on her coursework.  She stayed up, well into the night working on various projects.  When she went to bed her eyes could not stay open, they were scratchy and tired.  She stretched out on her bed and was instantly asleep. 

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